Men's Group: Into the Wild Heart of Masculinity

8-week online men's group on Monday 5/13- Monday 7/1 at 4pm Pacific. The focus is on deepening our supportive circle of men and our quest for mature and positive forms of masculinity and developing wholeness.

This is a participatory and experiential group and will include:

  • 90-minute weekly calls with sharing in both the full group and in pairs

  • weekly partner communications (via a call, text, emails etc - you decide)

  • optional practices in between sessions

What might it look and feel like to cultivate our rich inner potentials, in ways that both nourish our souls and serve all life? In addition to providing a space to explore the specifics of your life situation, together we'll be exploring what it means to thrive both internally and externally, and how we can cultivate dimensions of psycho-spiritual wholeness that include:

  • The ability to show up for ourself and others in protective, nurturing, and empowering ways, with deep caring, heartful intelligence and courageous leadership.

  • The aspect of ourselves that can see the bigger picture and experience the oneness of all things. This can manifest in many forms, including wisdom, nonattachment, humor, and the beginner's mind.

  • Those parts that know deep belonging in the living world, as well as how to embody our sexuality and the full spectrum of our emotions in healthy ways.

  • That part within each of us - often downplayed in modern culture - that is drawn to sacred upheaval, inner transformation, and knowledge of our purpose on a soul or mythic level. This one thrives on direct experiences of Mystery, accessed through varied portals including dreamwork, solo time in wilderness, myth, and ritual or ceremony.

(This approach to wholeness is inspired by the framework in Bill Plotkin's Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche, but no familiarity with the book is needed.)